A Journey Through John | Overcoming | John 16.31-33 | Movementministriesblog.com

by | Jul 6, 2019

“Jesus asked, “Do you finally believe? But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:31-33

Do you finally believe? Jesus says this to his disciples who seem to finally be “getting it.” After years together, miracles on display, and living with the Son of God — they finally begin to understand that he is who he said he is.

Now that they believe, Jesus tells them that now is the time for them to scatter and for them to leave him alone. Everyone will go his own way, Jesus says, and he will be left by himself. However, he adds, he isn’t really alone — the “Father is with me.” He is telling his follows this so that they might have peace in him. Even though “trials and sorrows” will come — Jesus pronounces — “Take heart…I have overcome the world.”

How easy is it for us to forget that he is in control of all things. In the things I worry about, Jesus has control. When I fear or fret — he is the master and commander of my ship. When the waves he rough, he calms them with a word. When I am afraid, he comes to us walking on the water. Jesus doesn’t live in our world — we live in his. He is the overcomes, he is in charge, he is the captain of our lives.

Even as Jesus was approaching the cross, the was offering comfort to his disciples. Even as he was nearing his suffering and death, he was telling them (and us) to take heart, to have peace in him, because he has overcome the world.

I need to hear this word today. When I get anxious about life, ministry and matters that I have no control, I must trust in him, turn to him and find hope in my Heavenly Father.

“O Lord God, thank you for loving me. Even when my love fails, your love remains steadfast. Even when I falter, you are faithful. Thank you for being the overcoming. I want to walk with you, have joy in you, and enjoy the journey that lies ahead. Come now, Holy Spirit, be my God and my king. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon me that I might be all that you’ve called me to be. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen