Exploring Ephesians | Armor | Ephesians 6.13 | Movementministriesblog.com

by | Sep 6, 2023

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6.13

When a soldier goes to war there is no such thing as putting on partial armor. Its not like you can put on just the breastplate and be ready for battle. A soldier in medieval times would put on the whole uniform not only covering the most vital organs but the head, arms, feet, and legs as well. And they don’t forget a shield and sword either.

When a solider in ancient times prepared for battle, they prepared completely. They were outfitted with the most advanced weaponry and armor they could afford. Paul is not about physical but spiritual armor. But his example would most likely be Roman soldiers. He was comparing the full covering of amor for the Christian to be protected against evil.

The goal of this covering is protection, with the only offensive weapon being the Sword of the Spirit. Yet the purpose is to stand our ground. Meaning, we do not give way, we are not swayed, influenced or brought low by evil. We overcome and thrive in life and in our relationship with the Lord.

Also, Paul doesn’t merely “suggest” that we put on the armor — he mandates it. He says PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD. Not, if you feel like, you might slip it on now and then. We must prepare our sells, arm ourselves for battle, and find strength from our faith community to be all who God has called us to be. When facing the trials of the day, we should leave armed and ready to not only survive but to find full victory in Christ and defeat from the enemy.

This of course is easier said then done but would Christ have said it if it were not true? Put on the armor through prayer, Scripture reading, worship and serving others. Have the mind of Christ and run the race with endurance.

“O Lord God, you are good. I thank you for loving me and for allowing me to be your hands and feet. I praise you Lord for being my shield and my protector. Thank you for saving me and for pouring out your grace upon me. Come now, Holy Spirit, put your hedge of protection around me. Help me walk in faith today and reflect your glory. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen