Exploring Ephesians | Knowing | Ephesians 1.7-10| Movementministriesblog.com

by | Jun 19, 2023

“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he[d] made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.” Ephesians 1.7-10

One commentary entitles this segment of Scripture, “Praise for the spiritual blessings in Christ.” This is accurate. For in this passage Paul continues to remind the people exactly what we have — “redemption through his blood, forgiveness of sins, the riches of God’s grace through the mystery of his will.” This is huge!

Just in case you forget, through Christ, we don’t just gain sonship, adoption as his children, for example — we are redeemed, forgiven, lavished with the riches of his grace. Its not as if we have been given a mediocre gift. Remember those gifts on special occasions— sometimes they are “ok” and other times they might be a car! The gifts we are receiving from the Lord is penultimate gift, there is nothing greater that we could receive.

In addition, v. 9 tells us that “he made know to us the mystery of his will.” In other words, we now know what God knows! We have been let in on the most incredible knowledge of knowing God, his will and his purpose for humanity. This, by the way, all was “purposed in Christ.” And the ultimate goal is bringing “unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.”

God was and is generous to his people. All people who claim Christ as Lord belong to God. And all who receive him, he restores completely and he drops within our souls, hearts and minds the truth of who he is. This is why a believer from Texas has more in common with a believer in Kenya than a non believer in the same state. The mystery of his will, which was given to us, is revealed in us.

When I met Christ, I immediately gained the knowledge of the mystery of his will. I could not frame it as such but this is what happened. I suddenly knew, became aware of God’s knowledge and truth. The spiritual blessing I received was awareness of his love for me, forgiveness of my sin, and a filling of his Holy Spirit. Each and every day I can nurture this relationship with God or deny it. This is all a gift from God that he offers to all who believe.

What a joy to know God and to be known by him. I wish I understood it better, or could articulate it more clearly, but it’s one of those things that you know what you know. Knowing Christ, and the blessings of his presence, the redemption of his blood, allows me to have peace and purpose in this life.

Do you have peace and purpose? Have you said “yes” to Christ? Have you called upon his name and leaned into his Spirit? Have you surrendered all you are to his care and to his cause?

Why not recommit your life this moment? Find the God who has found you and will fill you with his knowledge, love and salvation.

“O Lord God, you are good. Thank you for loving me. Come now, Holy Spirit. Fill me with your power. Allow me to walk with you and to know your grace more each day. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen