Gospel of Mark | Wrap Up | Mark 16.19-20 | movementministriesblog.com

by | Aug 6, 2024

After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. 20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” Mark 16.19-20

When I read these final two verses of the Gospel of Mark, I feel like I am reading the Clift Notes. The Gospel of Luke, for example, spills the ascension over into the Book of Acts 1. Matthew 28, for example, more completely outlines what they are called and commissioned to do – make disciples, baptize, teach, etc. But what we find is Mark is a more succinct summary. I personally appreciate the details of the other Gospels which aid to this “wrap up” of the gospel.

Looking closer at v.19-20, what does Mark actually tell us? 1. Jesus speaks to them after the resurrection, 2. He ascends into heaven where he assumes his place next to the Father, 3. The disciples go preach everywhere, 4. The Lord (i.e. the Holy Spirit) empowered them with signs to fulfill the assignments. And that’s it. It’s done.

But in truth, it’s just the beginning of the church. The Church of Christ was born and the kernel of truth birthed by Jesus is now spreading. The secret if out, the movement has begun, the Spirit is blowing like a wind across the Ancient Near East, filling hearts and saving souls. Like a tide coming in, it can not be stopped.

And this movement continued over the next decades, centuries, millennia until we encounter it for ourselves this day. It’s not something I dreamed up — Jesus knocked on the doors of the hearts of each person in history and now is knocking on our doors. I opened that door during the summer of 1986 and he took up residence in my heart.

Now many ignore the knocking, either reject the truth or are veiled to the light of his salvation. But no one is hopeless or without help. There is no secret formulae to receiving this better than life gift of salvation and redemption — we just received it into our hearts. When we surrender to Jesus, submit to his will, choose to follow, confess our sins we are saved. And then discipleship, sanctification and sending forth awaits.

I wish everyone would submit to Christ. It’s why we were made — to be in fellow with God. And it is the best thing that could happen to each of us.

And so, will you receive his gift of salvation now? And if you have received, will you tell others. God wants to love, heal, save and find the lost. He has compassion upon all people and is longing for us to know his truth and power.

The “wrap up” of the conclusion and fulfillment of Jesus’ earthly ministry is not end, not at all — it is only the beginning.

“Jesus, please save your people. My family, my friends, strangers and enemies. Save them all. Sweep down by the power of your Holy Spirit and offer salvation to all flesh. Time and time again you send us as your messengers to preach the Word, to proclaim the Truth, to offer the Life of Christ. Help us to do so again. Come now, Holy Spirit, and call us forth for a purpose. I love you Lord and praise your name. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen