[The inspiration for these reflections are adapted from PAUSES FOR LENT: 40 Words for 40 Days, Copyright © 2015 by Rev. Trevor Hudson by Upper Room Books Nashville. Both the selected Scripture and theme and initial paragraph in quotes are from Hudson.]
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
“Darkness resides around and within us. We experience different kinds of darkness: the darkness of intense pain and suffering, the darkness of loneliness and grief, the darkness of evil and sin, and most especially the darkness of death itself. Being overwhelmed by darkness can cause difficulty, confusion, and pain.” (Hudson)
How often must we be reminded of these words of Jesus before we take them to heart? ”I am the light of the world,” he said. ”Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
We live in a dark world. There is much sin, sickness and brokenness. But what Jesus offers us is light, freedom, hope and release. As Hudson remarks, ”Darkness resides around and within us.” This is true. The darker side of humanity would keep us locked inside the prison walls of sin. But through Christ, we can experience freedom from all our sin.
This weekend our family celebrated the wedding of my sister in law. It was a glorious occasion. Whenever someone marries whom you love, how can we not celebrate? And with this wedding, and the emphasis on Christ and the union of a man and woman who love God, there is no greater joy. The celebration was complete with lights, music, food, fellowship and wine. And the send off involved sparklers to mark the beginning of a glorious life together.
This is how we should live as Christians each day of our lives on earth. We should not only believe that Jesus is the light of the world but we should act like it in our attitudes, expressions and joy. We should communicate this message to the world and spread the light of Christ so that all who believe might have life in his name.
Are you living in the light of Christ’s love? Is he Ruler of your existence? Is he the light of your life?
“Come now Lord God, we celebrate you. Though the darkness is all around us, the light shines brightly. You are that light. You are my love. You are my one desire. Come now, Holy Spirit, fill me with your power and passion. Help me walk in newness of light and freedom from sin. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen