Reflections on Lent | See | John 9.25 |  

by | Mar 29, 2022

[The inspiration for these reflections are adapted from PAUSES FOR LENT: 40 Words for 40 Days, Copyright © 2015 by Rev. Trevor Hudson by Upper Room Books Nashville. Both the selected Scripture and theme and initial paragraph in quotes are from Hudson.]

“Though I was blind, now I see.” John 9:25

“God’s grace opens blind eyes so that they might see with the eyes of Christ. So let’s reflect on our spiritual eyesight. Do our hurried lives make everything and everyone a passing blur? Is it time for our eyes to be touched by Christ? May our eyes become more and more like his, eyes that can truly see others for who they are.” (Hudson)

Ten years ago or so I underwent laser eye surgery. First the right eye, and then a month later, the left eye. For my whole life I had been wearing glasses but now, I could see clearly. Although it took a few weeks for each eye to become clear, today I only need glasses to read.

To be able to see clearly is something many of us take for granted. I passed a blind student yesterday on the Baylor University campus. He was just walking along, almost as fast as I walk, with a stick out in front of him moving it from side to side. I was amazed. I can’t take five steps with my eyes closed for fear of running into something.

Jesus understood about blindness. He healed the man born blind in John 9 (this entire chapter covers the story and the interaction with the blind man and the pharisees). Jesus says in v.39, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.” Jesus wants to heal not only this blind mans eyes, but also his soul and spirit as well. He wants all people to be able to see by faith God’s Kingdom among us and so have faith in his name.

Hudson in his book writes that ”God’s grace opens blind eyes so that they might see with the eyes of Christ.” When we by faith trust in Jesus, he opens our eyes. He fills us with his Holy Spirit and then gives us spiritual sight so that we might be like Jesus.

During this Lenten season, why not try to see with the eyes of Jesus? The first step is to follow him by faith, to trust him as Lord and Savior. The next step is to walk as he walked. When we walk in Jesus’ steps then we will have the mind of Christ.

Will you pray for the mind of Christ today?

“O Lord God, you are good. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the grace to walk according to your ways. I praise you Lord for your faithfulness. Thank you for healing me, saving me, and securing me for your purposes. Come now, Holy Spirit, fill me with your power and love that I might see more clearly your plan for my life. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen