The ABC’s of Lent | Jesus | Mark 10.45 |

by | Mar 16, 2020

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10.45

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14.6

As we move through the ABC’s of Lent, we come to “J”, and what is more appropriate than to focus on Jesus at this moment. Jesus, the very reason for Lent, is God’s Son Savior. He is the Redeemer of the world, God in the flesh. And it is for this reason, for him, that we journey towards the cross. His cross, his suffering, his death and resurrection.

The two verses I have selected today for this reflection not only identify who he is but why he came. Theses passages in the Gospels of Mark and John tell us that Jesus came not to serve, but to serve. And he came so that his life might be a ransom for him. He forfeited his life for ours.

John tells us about his identity — that Jesus is the way (to God), the truth (about God), and the life (in God.) It’s only through Jesus that this life makes sense. Only in him that we can find hope, security and salvation through a God who loves us enough to give us a choice to follow him.

And so we follow, we walk, we gaze upon his glorious creation, we bask in his presence. Even in the midst of global pandemics and panic from the world, we look to Jesus. We do not look away from him either, we fix our eyes, as Hebrews tells us, on the “author and perfector of our faith.” We strive to walk as he walked, in holiness and truth.

The journey toward Lent is a journey with this man called Jesus. A Galilean-Jewish carpenter who was born in a manager, died upon a cross for our sins and ascended into heaven. Why not walk with him today? Why not put your trust in his love and your faith in his grace to save you?

“O Lord God, you are good. Even in worldly despair, you are faithful. Even when the brokenness of the globe is evident, your way remains true. Come now, Holy Father, draw all people to yourself. Help us walk in step with you that we might be all you have called and created us to be. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen