The ABC’s of Lent | Salvation | Acts 4.12|

by | Mar 30, 2020

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“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.” Acts 4.12

As of this morning, the USNS Comfort and the USNS Mercy, are headed to New York and Los Angelos respectively to assist with the COVID-19 virus. According to Fox News, these massive floating hospitals, once oil tankers, contain over 1000 beds each, a dozen operating rooms, and hundreds of doctors, nurses, and staff. They will be in the epic center of the hardest hit areas of the nation.

Not only does it make me proud that we as Americans have these type of ships to deploy but that our President is sending them as soon as possible to these regions to provide help, aid and support to those battling the Corona virus

Today our theme is salvation in our ABC’s of Lent and what a great representation of this image than giant hospital ships headed to assist the citizens of our county. The names alone, Comfort and Mercy, hint at the type of care they will provide. Their goal is to save lives just as Jesus died to save souls. One could argue that the very first hospitals were founded and staff by Christians desiring to save the body so the soul could follow (

And although the naval ships might be able to heal the body, the soul is left up to God. Only salvation in Christ alone can redeem the soul and secure it for eternity. Only faith in Jesus can lead one into a right relationship, Be justified before God, forgiven of sins and cleansed from the stain of sin and darkness. Comfort and Mercy are speeding their way to the West and East coasts, but Jesus is already there, reminding people in their darkest hour that he is the Light of the World.

Some look at this time as doom and gloom and certainly it’s unprecedented in our history. But just think about the things we as a nation aren’t arguing about right now because of our focus on COVID-19 — racism, politics, religion, abortion and gender rights just to name a few. The focus, for the most part, is on helping, healing and restoring America to a better place than she was before.

Perhaps you are on the front lines of this pandemic, or, like me, watching and praying from the side lines. Wherever you find yourself today, find yourself leaning upon Jesus. Cling to him, cry out to him, encourage others to do the same. For “salvation is found in no one else, there is no other name under heaven by which people can be saved.”

“O Lord God, you are good. I am but a servant, called by the King to serve at Your will. Sometimes that involves prayIng from my porch, other times it might involve offering hands of relief to those in need. Regardless of my role, Yours’ O Lord, is never ending. You never slumber or sleep. You never rest from the weariness of humanity. Come now, Lord Jesus, save us! Redeem us! Revive us so we might be your people and you might be our God. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen