“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” 1 Peter 5:8-9
Satans’ greatest weapon against us is convincing us he is not real and that his reach is limited. But the truth is, Satan and his demons are very real. Jesus confronted these over and over again during his ministry. He had authority over them, bound them, and shut them up with a word. We can do the same.
Peter warns us by saying, “Be alert and of sober mind.” In other words, pay attention men and women of God. Don’t be foolish but keep in mind that the devil is not only real but is “prowling around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.”
Have you seen a lion attack a zebra on TV? Of course you have. It’s messy, bloody and often R rated. TV shows limit how much we see of this (although it doesn’t limit human to human violence!). Lions don’t just knock down their prey with a single swipe and it’s all over. No, the lion stalks and when it’s in position it pounces or chases it’s prey. It doesn’t always succeed but when it does it’s impressive and the execution is precise. It tears into the prey with razor sharp claws and teeth that rip the hide and brings certain death.
Peter compares the devil to a stalking lion and so we must be watchful and aware. What can we do in response? We can abide by Scripture — “resist him, stand firm in faith…” Other believers are facing the same kind of attacks. We don’t stand on our own but in faith rely upon Jesus to help us, save us and protect us.
Life is a series of spiritual battles. The war has been won by Jesus for our redemption but the battles continue to rage. Lean in to the Lord today. If Satan is having a heyday with your soul, rebuke him, submit to Jesus, and pray the blood of Christ over your life, your home and your family.
[A great resource for fighting spiritual battles is “Shadow Boxing” by Henry Malone.]
“O Lord God, I praise you. Thank you for the power to battle sin and defeat the devil. I praise you for your covering of blood, your protection and your salvation. Help us not forget that the battle rages. The spiritual realm is alive with your angels guiding and guarding your people. Come now, Holy Spirit, fill us with your power and love. Help us be the people that you have called us to be. I trust you Lord and love to do your will. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen