“Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside. 15 He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.” Luke 4.14-15
It’s noteworthy that when Jesus returned to Galilee, after forty days of being tempted by the devil in the wilderness, he did so “in the power of the Spirit.”
I’ve been hiking and camping several times in my life. One time I went to the desert of Arizona and hiked the Grand Canyon. I hiked the 12 miles down, spent the night, then woke up early the next morning and hiked the incredibly hard 7 miles out. When I reached the rim I was worn out. If I had looked in a mirror I don’t think I would have been looking “in the power of the Spirit!”
But I read this return to Galilee of Jesus as one of confidence, refreshment and purpose. When I read that he was “in the power of the Spirit,” I imagine the face of Moses glowing after coming down from meeting with God at Mt Sinai. Jesus wasn’t defeated, he was victorious. The desert wasn’t easy, not a piece of cake. But Jesus didn’t fail that test. He went into the wilderness full of the Holy Spirit and came out in the power of the same Spirit.
I’m sure that’s the difference between us and Jesus. He had an advantage doesn’t he? But can’t this also be true for us? Can’t we live life in the Spirit? Even though we are beat up, battle weary and worn down, we don’t have to live defeated. We can be conquerors. Just as Jesus defeated the devil in the desert, we too can live a new life.
Living in the power of the Spirit is more important now than ever. People need hope, they need help. They need to know that God is alive and that he has the power to change their lives.
Just as Jesus returned victoriously, let us do the same by walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, being filled with joy and taking the Gospel wherever we go. By his grace