The Gospel of Luke | Watchfulness | Luke 12.35-40 |

by | Jul 30, 2021

”Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, 36 like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. 37 It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. 38 It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the middle of the night or toward daybreak. 39 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. 40 You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Luke 12:35-40

Jesus seems to be randomly speaking about a number of topics. From treasures in heaven to watchfulness. Maybe Jesus is speaking about priorities and to focus on things that matter most.

In this segment, Jesus gives an illustration about servants of a house waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet. (This must be a common occurrence but in today’s culture, it’s only something the very rich might experience. But we’ve all seen this type of servant hood in movies or perhaps with the royal family in England.) The servants are waiting for the master to return. They keep the light on, ready to open the door the moment he or she steps through it. This shows they are good and attentive at their position.

Yet in this instance, this master will “dress himself ready to serve,” i.e., he will become the servant. He will have them sit/recline “at the table and will come to wait on them.” This master, Jesus, will turn the table, put on the clothing of a servant and care for the needs of his servants. “It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even in the middle of the night or toward daybreak.” He’s speaking of watchfulness at this point and a reward for those who remain steadfast in faith.

Then Jesus tells how if the owner of the house knew a thief was coming, he would never let him break into his house. In the same way, “you must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an house when you do not expect him.” Jesus is coming back – we know not when, but be ready! We read the urgency with which Jesus speaks. He’s not only speaking to the first century believers but to us as well. Maintaining a state of watchfulness readys us for his return, reminds us of his promise to save.

And I don’t know about you, but some days I am more ready than others. Some days I am all for seeking Jesus, preparing for the Master, anticipating his return. Other days, I forget, I sin, hide my head in shame, and run from the light. Yet most days, by Gods grace, I am ready. I perhaps am not as expectant as I should be, but this reminder to be watchful spurs me into action. It gives me hope that Jesus will soon return and he will find us faithfully building his kingdom, loving his people, worshipping his name.

Are you ready? Are you watchful? Have you committed your life and your love to the King? If the Son of Man were to return today would he find your spiritual home prepared? Would he find you watchful or waning?

”O Lord God, you are good. Even in a world in turmoil, with viruses that cause us to run and hide, with violence that makes us fear, you are faithful. Your love remains for all eternity. Return again, Lord Jesus! Save us! Redeem us! Let the Church on earth become the Church triumphant. Help us know that you are good and that without you we are nothing. Come now, Holy Spirit. Fill your people. Help us find faith in you. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen