The Gospel of Mark | The Real Thing | Mark 1.29-31 |

by | Oct 8, 2023

“As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew.30 Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. 31 So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.” Mark 1.29-31

There’s one way you can tell a fraud from the real thing. Typically it’s quality and price. If you’re on the streets of New York and you’re offered a Gucci purse for $25 it’s probably not the real thing!

Jesus was the real thing. When he came into the room, demons shuddered. When he spoke, he did so with one who had authority. And when he healed, he simply healed. There was no fan fare, no shouting, yelling or jumping up and down (I’m thinking of some radical TV preachers) — there was truth and there was immediate results.

Jesus had just left the synagogue where he did two things — 1) taught with authority and 2) silenced a demon. Now Jesus is moving on and the ball is just starting to get rolling. He left with James and John and went to the home of Peter and Andrew. These four had only recently been chosen to be his disciples and were now with him wherever he went. But someone was not we well in Peters house — his mother in law was sick and in bed. And so, they told Jesus about her.

Now Jesus could have done things completely different. He could have called the whole town to himself to watch the spectacle. He could have brought fire from heaven, made a big scene or called for a parade in his name. But Jesus did not need this kind of attention, nor did he want it. The only person Jesus wanted to please was God. It’s not like us — insecure in seeking attention and admiration from others.

As soon as they told Jesus he went into the room of Peter’s mother in law, to her by the hand and helped her up. The fever left, as Scripture tells us, and she began to wait on him. Jesus honored her by healing her and allowing her to serve. He did so without any recorded words but with a physical touch and the power of God.

Is Jesus the real thing in your life? Are you calling out to him for healing, hope and salvation? Are you leaning into his love? Are you asking him to deliver you and those you love?

I’ve seen God over this particular weekend. I’ve seen him speak to individuals in very specific and meaningful ways. I’ve seen him guide my steps into conversations that were of God. And I’ve felt him confirming a movement of his Spirit which is very special and very significant.

Jesus is the real thing. Trust in him today.

“O Lord God, you are good. I praise you. When I am alone, you comfort me. When I am weary, you lift me up. When I searching, you give me guidance. Come now, Holy Spirit! Live within this temple of flesh. Help me be the person you have called me to be. By your grace and for your glory. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen